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VL2 Newsletter

Petitto, L.A., (Since 2012 and On-going) VL2 Newsletter. Co-PI articles with Thomas Allen, and sole author of many other articles as needed; Petitto active Senior Editor for all issues.

“Three Revolutions: Language, Culture and Biology”

Petitto, L.A. (2015, In Press). “Three Revolutions: Language, Culture and Biology”. In Critical Concepts in Language Studies. Series: Language Rights. Routledge.

From the Desk of Gallaudet University Newsletter

Petitto, L.A. (Summer, 2013). From the Desk of Gallaudet University Newsletter. Vol. 14, No. 2.

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“Three Revolutions: Language, Culture and Biology”

Petitto, L.A. (2014). “Three Revolutions: Language, Culture and Biology”. In H-D.L. Bauman and J.J. Murray (Eds.), Deaf-Gain: Raising the Stakes for Human Diversity. Minneapolis, MN: Minnesota University Press.

Forward to the book by Beth Benedict, Bilingual Deaf and Hearing Families, Narrative Interviews

Petitto, L.A., (2012). Forward to the book by Beth Benedict, Bilingual Deaf and Hearing Families, Narrative Interviews.

VL2’s first ASL Assessment ToolKit Workshop

Petitto, L.A. (2012). VL2’s first ASL Assessment ToolKit Workshop. News and Notables. Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center. Gallaudet University. Electronic publication.

Unpublished study abstract: Study of categorical discrimination in 18 Rhesus Monkeys following from infants’ categorical discrimination of soundless phonetic units in Baker, Golinkoff, and Petitto (2006)

Groh, J., Cohen, Y., and Petitto, L.A. (2007). Study of categorical discrimination in 18 Rhesus Monkeys following from infants’ categorical discrimination of soundless phonetic units in Baker, Golinkoff, and Petitto (2006).  Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H.

Original refereed journal article for children: New insights into old puzzles from infants’ categorical discrimination of soundless phonetic units

Baker, S.A., Golinkoff, R.M., & Petitto, L.A. (2006). New insights into old puzzles from infants' categorical discrimination of soundless phonetic units.. Language Learning and Development, 2(3), 147-162.

New findings from Educational Neuroscience on Bilingual Brains, Scientific Brains, and the Educated Mind

Petitto, L.A. and Dunbar, K.N. (2004, Unpublished distributed monograph).  "New findings from Educational Neuroscience on Bilingual Brains, Scientific Brains, and the Educated Mind." Building Usable Knowledge in Mind, Brain, & Education Conference. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. October 6, 2004

The power of babble, the biology of... Baby talk

Petitto, L.A. (2003, December). The power of babble, the biology of... Baby talk. Discover Science, Technology, and Medicine. 30-32

Revolutions in Contemporary Education

Petitto, L.A. (2001). Revolutions in Contemporary Education. Harvard University Magazine Education Review,  XLV (1), 20.

American study reaveals how innate rhythms in children become gestures and language

Piattelli-Palmarini, M. (2001, September 6). "American study reveals how innate rhythms in children become gestures and language." Nursery Rhymes.

The Langauge Instinct: How the Mind Creates Langauge

Petitto, L.A. (1994). Review of the book The language instinct: How the mind creates language. McGill News Quarterly, 74(3), 27.

Deaf People in Canada: A Look at Their Sign Language and Culture

Petitto, L.A. (1987). Deaf people in Canada: A look at their sign language and culture. In Parker (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Deaf People and Deafness, New York: McGraw-Hill.

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From Gesture to Symbol: The Relationship Between Form and Meaning in the Acquisition of Personal Pronouns in American Sign Language

Petitto, L.A. (1986). From gesture to symbol: The relationship between form and meaning in the acquisition of personal pronouns in American Sign Language. Bloomington: Indiana University Linguistics Club Press. Published Dissertation.

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