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Evidence That Sign-Speech Bilingualism Supports Optimal Learning in Deaf Children 

CNS 2022 Poster 


CNS 2022 Abstract

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Dr. White's NeuroImage Cover: Linked to Image

SNL Poster: Linked to Image

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2021 CRASH/MASH Presentation

Presented by Grady Gallagher, PhD candidate 2021

Dr. Pettito's Publications

A compilation of Dr. Petitto's Publications is available at this link 


Specific Foundational Publication Highlights: 

  • Petitto, Berens, Kovelman, Dubins, Jasinska, & Shalinsky (2012). The “Perceptual Wedge”… Brain & Lang.

  • Berens, Kovelman, & Petitto (2013). Should bilingual children… Bilingual. Research

  • JasiÅ„ska & Petitto (2013). How age of bilingual… Dev. Cog. Neurosci.

  • JasiÅ„ska & Petitto (2014). Dev. of neural systems… Dev. Neuropsych.

  • JasiÅ„ska & Petitto (2017). Age of bilingual… Child Dev.


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